I never do these surveys but I thought this one was cute!
1) Was your first pregnancy planned? Not exactly. She wasn't planned but we also weren't using any birth control. We weren't trying but we also weren't trying to prevent it. Still, she was a surprise to us. The best surprise EVER!! :)
2) Were you married at the time? No, but might as well have been. We were married every way but legally.
3) What were your reactions? I was terrified!!! Not because I didn't want her, but because I did. Henry was very very happy and excited- I was too once some of the terror faded!!
4) Was abortion an option for you? ABSOLUTELY NOT! NEVER!!
5) How old were you? I was 21, Henry was 26
6) How did you find out you were pregnant? I wasn't even a day late, but Henry had kept telling me I was pregnant. I had a pregnancy test leftover from a few months before and I took it just because. That second line showed up INSTANTLY! My cousin Jennifer was with me in the bathroom and she was just as shocked as I was!
7) Who did you tell first? Jennifer was with me so she knew first and then I called Henry even though it was the middle of the night!
8) Did you want to find out the sex? Yes!! And we did, at 17 weeks. :)
9) Due Date? 4 April 2009
10) Did you have morning sickness? Oh yes. I had HORRIBLE morning sickness, and not just in the morning but all day every day for my whole pregnancy! Thankfully I have an amazing husband- he was so great. He cleaned up vomit, got me ice chips and ginger ale and cold rags. I love him!
11) What did you crave? Chinese food (Seasame Chicken and Lo Mein), McDonald's chicken nuggets, Chicken salad and grilled chicken sandwiches from Chick-Fil-A. And Coca-Cola!!! Henry was always going out in the middle of the night to get McDonald's for me!!
12) Who/What irritated you the most? Not having enough of a belly to tell I was pregnant until 6 months along!!
13) What was your first child's sex? A BEAUTIFUL PERFECT GIRL!!
14) Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? NO, Never!!
15) How many pounds did you gain throughout your pregnancy? 43. Our doctor wanted me to gain extra weight because I'm so tiny. She told us I needed to gain between 35-45lbs and I thought it would be impossible!!
16) Did you have a baby shower? Yes, it was wonderful!! :)
17) Was it a surprise or did you know? We knew!
18) Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? No complications, but I was considered pretty high risk because of the medicine I take and a few other reasons. For that reason they did innumerable ultrasounds (which we loved!!) and Non-Stress Testing, and we were monitored very frequently!
19) Where did you give birth? Medical College of Georgia (MCG) in Augusta, GA.
20) How many hours were you in labor? Well, contractions woke me up about 0700 that morning and she came into this world at 1641, so almost 10 hours, but it was VERY EASY labor. Now if you want to count just pushing as labor, then about 15 minutes. Four pushes and she was out!!
21) Who drove you to the hospital? My wonderful husband, Henry. Traffic was horrible because it was Master's Week and Henry did his best to get us there quickly and he did a good job of it! Then we couldn't find L&D because they were doing construction in the hospital and there were no signs (we had never been to that hospital before). We ended up on some floor where Henry commandered a wheelchair and made me ride! As soon as we found L&D the nurses took one look at me and said "Wow, we need to get you to a room and hooked up quick!"
22) Who watched you give birth? Henry!! And NUMEROUS doctors, nurses, and a special newborn team! The room was crowded!
23) Was it vaginal or a C-Section? Vaginal, thankfully!
24) Did you take medicine to ease the pain? ABSOLUTELY! Epidurals are AMAZING!! I didn't feel a thing, and I mean literally. No pain, no pressure, nothing!
25) How much did your child weigh? 6lbs 14oz 19 inches long!
26) When was your child actually born? Exactly a week after my due date. Saturday, 11 April 2009
27) What did you name him/her? Cadence Marie Bodie! We had her name picked out long before we were pregnant! <3
28) How old is your first born today? 2 years, 3 months, and 2 days!
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